Hi everyone...as the saying goes....better late than never, right!
I have been taking it REAL easy yesterday and the first part of today and not by choice. I had a great weekend with family and I think I might have given too many kisses and taken sips out of too many little one's drinks. Now I have a griping cough, a stellar headache and a fever equivalent to being right in the fire. My only saving grace this week is that I had stenciled the image on the card at a card class last week, when I was demonstrating the double glitter technqiue.
One thing I should have mentioned right away, is this week we are putting our own renditions to Terrece's (Dream Team Sister), sketch. You will see it below.

Thanks Terrece for a good one. I am so thankful that your sketch sort of went with that I had to work with!!!
This is short and sweet today!! Please check out what the other Dream Teamers are up to today... Dream It Up